Friday, December 9, 2016

What do you know?

Hi to you my new blog ^^

It's nice to have a space to write again. I miss the old, but no worries. I kept the big stuffs.

I thought about my sister today, the one that won't have anything to do with me... I remembered that, when my god-father's mother was still alive, there was a book at her house that we loved. She knew we loved to read, so it was a special Christmas gift when I was maybe 10 or so. It was a beautiful collection of nursery rhymes, and the illustrations captivated me. We had to leave it there, so I remember racing through the door every time we visited so that I could find it and look at it again. I would sit and read it until I was compelled to either share it or eat.

I was looking for it just now. I would buy a copy if I can find it. It would be so nice to have it again. It's nearly Christmas, so I hope to find it soon...

You can't make people love you. And if they can give you up, did they ever? I fear, no. But it can be good, even though it hurts, because it's better I hurt now, than to watch my children love them and be hurt later. The difficulty is how to show them love. For me, it can only, ever, be one way. I love them like I always have. So I have to learn to be distant and still kind. I would rather have that struggle, tho, and know that this part of me is alive, than to feel nothing and know that I had become like them.

New Year's Resolution: No day posts so long that I have to scroll down to read... We'll see how that goes.

And while I'm at it:
Do some weights thing at least 5 days a week. Even a little thing, but something.
Plan a small garden
Work on guitar at least 30 min a week
Make income (teaching, etc.)